Anuncian vuelo directo entre Bahamas y Cuba para fortalecer las relaciones


New Direct Flight To Cuba

A new partnership between Western Air airline and Blue Crossings Bahamas Limited (BCBL) is making it easier for Bahamians to hop a flight into Havana, Cuba through a new direct flight between the two countries.

At a press conference Monday, officials of both companies announced the direct air service from Nassau to Havana on board a quick one hour and 30-minute flight.

Chairperson of BCBL Zena Burland said ties between the two countries are expected to strengthen further with the availability of additional air service.

She added that over the past five years the company has been active in providing an opportunity for Bahamian companies and major developers to participate in networking in the fields of trade and commerce within the wider Caribbean community, but she said for years transportation has been a major barrier.

“Our goals are to stimulate and encourage the flow of trade and commerce at all sectors of industry thereby creating opportunities for the citizens within the region,” she said.

“The success of these activities of course needs to be secured and supported by offering a scheduled air service to the Republic of Cuba from The Bahamas and therefore providing a bridge for Bahamians, Cubans and those from the US with full complete approval to visit Cuba for vacation, education, healthcare and family visits, likewise for them to also visit The Bahamas and other regional areas.”

The chairperson added that is why BCBL initiated a strategic relationship with Western Air and First Class Travel to provide this new air service.

BCBL CEO Lindbergh Smith said this new direct flight into Cuba provides flexibility with flight times and reliability in service.

He said it is all about bridging the gap between neighboring countries in a better, faster, more efficient way.

“In addition to all of the things we have been offering in regard to trade and commerce, we understand the nuances that exist between The Bahamas and Cuba in providing transportation that can stimulate the ability of trade.

“The Bahamas and Cuba has enjoyed many years of trade and we are here to boost that opportunity and we believe it offers The Bahamas a real opportunity to tap into the market of European visitors who travel to The Bahamas frequently. A direct flight between The Bahamas and Cuba will make The Bahamas more of a multi-destination hub for the region.”

The service will operate three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays using a 33-seater SAAB aircraft with two pilots and one flight attendant on board.

Western Air’s Director of Operations Captain Wolfe Seyfret said the timing is perfect.

“We were very diligently looking at the market and the opportunities in the market and decided that currently the two carriers providing the service are not able to service the demand on the current demand levels,” he said. “So we came together and said that we know we can take advantage of this hole as a private carrier and be more flexible and and provide a better service level.”

Western Air will conduct its inaugural direct flight to Cuba on today at 5:30 p.m.

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