Recuento de votos en Guyana: la oposición se adjudica el triunfo en las elecciones


Recount confirms PPP/C won elections – Jagdeo

The National Recount Exercise – currently in its final stages at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre – is confirming that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has won the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections by in excess of 15,000 votes.

This is according to PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo, who, in a public statement on Thursday, said the exercise is also confirming the accuracy of the Statements of Polls (SoPs) in the Party’s possession in addition to confirming ‘massive fraud’ perpetrated by Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo.

As such, Jagdeo has since called on Guyanese “not to be distracted by the rantings of the APNU+AFC…It is nothing new”.

According to Jagdeo, “It is the nation’s expectation that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) will declare the results of the recount, in accordance with its amended Order.”

The law and the Constitution, he said, provide a recourse for those who are aggrieved by the results of an election.

Jagdeo has since reasoned that “no one should be surprised by APNU+AFC’s latest description of the March 2, 2020 National and Regional Elections, as “not credible”.

He recalled that “it has been the APNU+AFC’s desperate mantra the moment Clairmont Mingo was caught attempting to perpetrate massive fraud in the tabulation of Electoral District Number Four (4) to their benefit”.

According to Jagdeo, “they fought determinedly for Mingo’s fraudulent declarations to prevail. They never wanted a recount of the ballots. They even went to the Court to stop it. They tried at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to stop it.”

He said that “in the end, all their efforts failed” and that “they knew that once the ballots were recounted, it would confirm the accuracy of the SoPs, which they continue to hide from public scrutiny”.

Meanwhile, PPP/C’s Prime Ministerial Candidate, retired Brigadier Mark Phillips, on Thursday, also echoed Jagdeo’s sentiments that the recount was confirming a PPP/C victory.

He told reporters encamped in the makeshift media centre outside the ACCC venue that this result was known to both parties within hours after the March 2 polls and cautioned Guyanese to beware APNU+AFC’s “acts of desperation”.

In addition, it was indicated that with only the East Coast ballot boxes left to be counted, the PPP/C is expected to surge past 16,000 in its lead. The areas that are left to be counted are the PPP/C strongholds.

Meanwhile, independent analysis being undertaken by political stakeholders contesting the elections have also called the elections for the PPP/C.

The Citizenship Initiative’s (TCI’s) Shaz Ally, in a preliminary statement based on tabulated results from the recount thus far, places the PPP with a 33-seat simple majority in the next Parliament while the incumbent would retain 31 and the joinder parties would pick up a single seat.

According to Ally’s projection, the final boxes will finish counting by Monday morning, which is June 8, 2020 and GECOM should tabulate and declare the results within three days later.

He has since surmised his projection based on the fact that the SoPs published for District Four (Demerara-Mahaica) are genuine and the results coming out of the recount for the other nine regions.

As such, he said the projections give APNU+AFC some 215,287 votes while the PPP/C’s trajectory indicates that it would secure 232,400.

According to TCI’s Ally, the other parties – including the joinder alliance – will take some 9481 votes.

He posited, “From that, the PPP/C will win the general elections by 7632 votes, which is inclusive of all parties and beat the APNU+AFC by 17,113 votes.”

Ally noted too, “even if you add other parties’ votes to the APNU+AFC, the PPP/C still will win; if you add the other parties’ votes to the PPP/C, the coalition got overall beat by 26,594 votes.”

Guyana Times

All should accept results of vote recount – Western Diplomats

Please see below statement from the US, Canada, UK, and the EU:

The Ambassador of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch, the British High Commissioner, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commissioner, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Ambassador of the European Union, H.E. Fernando Ponz-Canto, note that the recount process is coming to a conclusion.

We congratulate those who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to ensuring full transparency in the recount process. This includes political parties, staff of the Guyana Elections Commission, scrutineers from the Caribbean Community and the Organization of American States, the Advisor from the Commonwealth and observers. The dedication of all is a credit to the democratic process in Guyana.

We also commend President Granger and the Leader of the Opposition for their support of the recount, and for their clear commitment to abide by the results.

As this process concludes, it is important for all stakeholders to uphold the integrity of the process and peacefully accept the wishes of the Guyanese population. There will be disappointment for those who have lost. Those who are elected must take on this responsibility with humility and demonstrate that they will govern for the benefit of every Guyanese citizen. We encourage party leaders to commit to constitutional reform and reconciliation to ensure every Guyanese, regardless of party affiliation, sees how their government will work in their best interest.

As friends of Guyana, we look forward to working with all parties to further support Guyana’s development for the benefit of all its people.

News Room

Non-transparent, non-credible tabulation of Region 4 results compromised integrity of elections process – EU Observers

The integrity of the entire elections process was compromised when Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, began the tabulation non-transparent and non-credible of Electoral District Four (Demerara-Mahaica) results.

This sentiment was expressed by the European Union Elections Observer Mission (EU EOM) in its final report presented to Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), retired Justice Claudette Singh.

See full statement below:

The European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to Guyana today released its final report on the 2 March 2020 general and regional elections. The EU EOM was able to observe and report on all aspects of the election process until 20 March 2020 when, in light of the Covid19 pandemic, it was repatriated to Europe.

The EU EOM concluded that overall the elections were competitive and contestants could campaign freely, even though the process took place in a deeply polarised environment.

Legal uncertainty, unregulated political finance, biased state media and lack of transparency in the administration of elections characterised the pre-election context.

Voting and counting were well managed all over the country, as was the tabulation of results in nine of Guyana’s ten regions. However, the integrity of the entire electoral process was seriously compromised by the non-transparent and non-credible tabulation of results in the largest and decisive Region 4 by senior GECOM officials, acting in blatant violation of the law and High Court orders issued in this regard.

The EU EOM offers 26 recommendations to improve future electoral processes. These include eight priority recommendations suggesting to review and consolidate the fragmented election legislation; launch a consultation process to overhaul the composition and functioning of GECOM; develop effective legislation to regulate political finance; foster transparency and accountability in online and offline campaigning; transform the state-owned media into a genuine public service broadcaster; adopt clear written procedures for transmission and tabulation of election results; accompany any declaration of results by simultaneous publication of detailed polling station results and digital copies of all Statements of Poll; and establish comprehensive election dispute resolution system.

Following an invitation by the President of Guyana, the European Union deployed the first-ever fullyfledged EU EOM to Guyana between 25 January and 20 March 2020. In total, the mission comprised 55 observers from 25 EU member states and Norway. The mission’s mandate was to assess the electoral process against international obligations and commitments for democratic elections as well as the laws of Guyana.

Guyana Times


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