El primer ministro de Jamaica propone un nuevo «Plan Marshall» a escala global


Holness Calls For Sustainable Global Recovery Plan

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has called for world leaders to put forward a recovery plan that will ensure global growth prospects, particularly in small island developing states.

Holness mooted the idea of an initiative similar to the Marshall Plan, which saw the US providing over $12 billion in economic recovery programmes to Western European countries after the end of World War II.

“The world needs a global plan as innovative, ambitious and impactful as the Marshall Plan was to Europe’s recovery after the devastation of World War II,” said Holness while speaking virtually as part of the United Nations High Level Meeting earlier today, under the theme ‘Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond’.

Holness charged that countries must now seize the opportunity to make a global recovery plan that is sustainable to the environment, empowering and uplifting of the poor, vulnerable and marginalised, and supportive of democratic and transparent governance.

“We are grateful to our Ministers of Finance and other contributors for putting forward a rich slate of policy options to increase resource availability, address debt and liquidity concerns, and respond to the short, medium and long-term needs of developing countries in particular,” he said.

He added that the recovery proposals should focus on the response to the immediate crisis, securing a recovery that is based on strengthened resilience, and transitioning over the long-term to green, inclusive and sustainable development.

Globally, there have been more than 33.5 million COVID-19 cases with over one million deaths.

In Jamaica, with eight more deaths last night, the country’s COVID-19 death rate passed 100 to stand at 101. There were also 238 new cases, pushing the total to 6,408.

The Gleaner


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