La CARICOM condena el atentado contra el primer ministro Ariel Henry


CARICOM y OEA condenan ataque armado contra Ariel Henry en Gonaïves

La Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM) condena el ataque armado contra el Primer Ministro de Haití, Ariel Henry y su delegación, en Gonaïves, el sábado 1 de enero de 2022, durante la ceremonia conmemorativa del 218 aniversario de la independencia de Haití. Las autoridades haitianas deben remediar urgentemente esta situación insostenible, a fin de restaurar un sentimiento de seguridad en el país, desea CARICOM. Lo mismo ocurre con la Organización de Estados Americanos. «Nos unimos a CARICOM para condenar el ataque contra el Primer Ministro de Haití y su delegación en Gonaïves el pasado fin de semana», escribió el Secretario General de la OEA, Luis Almagro, en un tuit publicado el 4 de enero.Le Nouvelliste

CARICOM condemns attack on Haiti’s Prime Minister

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) condemns the armed attack on the Prime Minister of Haiti and his delegation at Gonaives on Saturday 1 January 2022 during the traditional ceremony commemorating the 218th anniversary of Haiti’s independence.

The attendance of the Prime Minister of Haiti and his delegation of high officials at the traditional celebration of the anniversary of Haiti’s Independence, which includes a Te Deum church service at the Gonaives Cathedral, was disrupted by volleys of automatic weapons in the surroundings of the church. He was unable to deliver his public speech at the nearby Place des Armes Square which normally follows the church service as part of the ceremony.

The reported death of a citizen during the incident, heightens the Community’s concern at the continued deterioration of the security situation in the country.

CARICOM urges the Haitian authorities to address this prevailing untenable security situation with urgency in order to restore a sense of safety and security to the country.


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