Empresarios haitianos y chinos se reúnen para crear una cámara de comercio


Haiti – Economy : Towards the creation of the Chamber of Commerce Haitiano-Chinese

Invited by the Chinese representation in Haiti, a Haitian delegation arrived in China this week. On the agenda of this stay of twenty days, jointly organized by the Chinese representation in Port-au-Prince and the Haitian Council for the development of relations with China (CHDC), a training seminar for the benefit of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the African-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) and of Latin America.

For the Haitian delegation led by Ms. Tatana Chevry Bazin, composed of 7 members, including 5 young entrepreneurs (Almiracle St-Fort, Gary Cyprien, Gerby Saint-Fleur, Réginald Simon, Jude, Sandra Duvivier and Valéry Pierre Tranquille), this visit to China will enable them to learn more about the mechanisms of international trade and the benefits of a rapprochement of Haiti with China in trade relationship.

It will also give the opportunity to these Haitian entrepreneurs to lay the foundations of a project to create a Haitiano-Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

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