Según la OIT, el Caribe realizó progresos en la lucha contra el trabajo infantil


–Latin America and Caribbean countries have made progress in reducing child labour according to a new document released by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The ILO said that the “new tool” will help countries eliminate children’s involvement in slavery, child prostitution, drug trafficking and other types of the worst forms of child labour by 2016.

The “Implementing the Roadmap for achieving the elimination of the worst forms of child labour: a training guide for policy makers” is directed at governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations and international and non-governmental organizations.

The 2010 conference in The Hague adopted the roadmap, which breaks down data by age, gender and region.

It shows that Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean continue to reduce child labour, while sub-Saharan Africa has witnessed an increase. Africa also has the highest incidence of children working, with one in four children engaged in child labour.

“The guide is both a training tool and a stepping-stone towards the drafting or revision of a National Action Plan (NAP) against the worst forms of child labour,” said Constance Thomas, Director of the ILO’s International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC).

ILO figures show that an estimated 115 million are involved in the worst forms of child labour and Thomas said the new tool “will bring new momentum to national efforts to reach this challenging goal”.

The guide includes a series of training exercises, illustrative text boxes, and addresses monitoring and evaluation as an essential feature of successful action plans and has been released ahead of the Global Child Labour Conference, which will take place in Brazil, October 8-10.

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