Antigua y Barbuda inicia relaciones diplomáticas con Chipre


Antigua y Barbuda inicia relaciones diplomáticas con Chipre

Antigua and Barbuda and Cyprus are deepening their cooperation.

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has pledged his country’s intentions to “forge closer ties” with the twin-island state, with plans to appoint an Ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda.

Antigua and Barbuda recently appointed an Ambassador to Cyrpus, Dr Aly El Dakroury, who signed a memorandum of understanding with Antigua Prime Minister Gaston Browne a few weeks ago on a $200 million hotel project.

El Dakroury signed the memorandum representing SunnyHill Group Limited.

According to Anastasiades, who recently met in Dubai with El Dakroury, the country also plans to explore avenues for business entities in Cypur to invest in Antigua and Barbuda.

Caribbean Journal

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