Detienen a dos personas por el incendio a la embajada venezolana


Autoridades de San Cristóbal y Nieves acusaron hoy a dos personas por los atentados perpetrados contra la Embajada de Venezuela en este país y el edificio de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) el mes pasado.

Según un informe policial, dos nacionales, entre ellas una mujer, fueron catalogados como culpables de los incendios que destruyeron la sede diplomática venezolana aquí y dañaron parte de la instalación de la OEA el 5 de enero último.

En esa ocasión, el primer ministro Denzil Douglas advirtió en una emisión de radio y televisión que su gobierno se ocuparía con firmeza de apresar a los individuos causantes de hechos como ese que solo tratan de fomentar el caos y la destrucción.

Douglas acusó a la oposición de realizar acciones en los últimos meses para debilitar a la administración y a la nación.

En lo que va de año se han registrado cuatro incendios a instalaciones, incluido el Edificio del Tesoro en Nieves, hechos que continúan bajo investigación policial.

Another Alleged Arsonist Nabbed

Police have confirmed that two suspected arsonists – a man and a woman, are expected to have their day in court for the January 5 fire that destroyed the Venezuelan Embassy building in Basseterre.

The police disclosed Friday that Jazil Lewis of Phillips Village was formally arrested and charged with the offence of unlawfully and maliciously setting fire to the building. Her arrest follows that of 37 year old Andrew “Cheeko” Wilson. The police announced on January 23 that Wilson had been charged with arson and malicious damage in relation to the Venezuelan Embassy building. He’s said to be from Lodge Project but resides in Phillip’s Village.

Police Commissioner CG Walwyn had indicated prior to the January 23 announcement that one individual had been detained and another was being sought. There have been four fires in the federation so far this year within a period of less than two weeks.  They include one that destroyed the Treasury building in Nevis, and another that gutted a building on Cayon street in Basseterre belonging to former PAM leader Lindsay Grant and his brother.

The police say they are continuing to investigate the Nevis fire. In the case of the Cayon Street property Police Commission Walwyn said  that blaze was caused by an electrical fire, a conclusion being disputed by the building’s owners. The police have confirmed that a fire at the Organization of American States Office in Basseterre which failed to take off because of the intervention of the fire service, was, like the Venezuelan fire, the work of arsonists.

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