Trinidad y Tobago: Ministro inauguró convención de desarrollo económico basada en la promoción de TICs


Trinidad minister opens trade and investment convention

Senator Vasant Bharath, minister of trade, industry, investment and communications and minister in the ministry of finance and the economy, declared Trinidad and Tobago’s 2015 Trade and Investment Convention (TIC 2015) open for business last week at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya.

In his feature address at the opening ceremony, Bharath said, “According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development World Investment Report 2015, inward investment to Trinidad and Tobago has increased from US$1.994 billion in 2013 to US$2.423 billion in 2014, which represents a 21% increase in inward investment and further displays a global confidence in our economy.”

He called on the private sector to “continue being the engine of growth that drives the economy”.

The TIC, which takes place at the crossroads of the Americas, Trinidad and Tobago, the region’s financial capital and the largest economy in the Caribbean, with strong links to Central and South American companies and businesses from around the globe, aims to foster intra- and extra-regional trade for regional businesses.

In just 14 years TIC has facilitated more than US$450 million in trade deals, hosted thousands of international buyers and exhibitors and earned a reputation as the Caribbean’s biggest business-to-business event, drawing some 2,000 local professionals and decision makers from the private and public sector.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissesar at a recent election rally highlighted her government’s development focus and challenged the opposition party to lay out their vision for the next five years.

Persad-Bissessar reminded voters of her government’s track record of building 100 schools, seven new hospitals, and helping nearly 30,000 families with new housing.

Trinidad and Tobago is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections on September 7.

Caribbean News Now

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