Guyana: Inauguran centro “Hugo Chávez” para personas sin hogar con cooperación del gobierno venezolano


Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration set for opening on Saturday

The Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration located at Onverwagt, West Coast Berbiceopulary called he homeless shelter will be opened on Saturday, August 10, by His Excellency Donald Ramotar, and Venezuelan Ambassador to Guyana  H.E. Reina Margarita Arratia Díaz.

The centre will accommodate 200 males and 100 females in separate dormitories and will include medical, recreational, kitchen, conference and dining facilities.

The US$2M Venezuelan Government funded project which will provide refuge for the homeless in Guyana was constructed on 7.30 acres of land. Accommodation for a resident doctor and nurse has also been included in the design of the facility.

The occupants at the centre will be exposed to training programmes that are aimed at reintegrating them into their family and society. They will be afforded transportation, medical assistance and treatment, toiletries, clothing, and meals.

Guyana shares a historic and friendly relationship with its frontier neighbour Venezuela at the bilateral level and through the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).

The two countries have built on progress in trade relations with an agreement that paved the way for Guyana to export rice and paddy into the Venezuelan market. Guyana is also a beneficiary of the PetroCaribe deal, conceptualised by the late President Chavez that allows signatory countries to access fuel at a subsidised cost.

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